Hi there, I'm Adam Riggall

Photo of Adam Riggall

I'm passionate about delivering data-driven software solutions. Currently, I work at Target, helping to build forecasting systems that meet the needs of an ever-evolving, omni-channel retailer. Prior to that, I worked at Nike, leading the Customization Services engineering team in support of the NIKEiD business. I'm passionate about delivering value through well-written software, optimized developer productivity, and rapid deployment. For more about my work life, please see my resume.

Before pivoting to the software world, I received a PhD in Psychology, with a focus on Cognitive Neuroscience, from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. My dissertation applied machine-learning approaches to neuroimaging data to understand short-term memory in the brain. In the process, I developed new analytical approaches, interactive visualizations, and challenged a few long-held theories. For details, take a look at my CV.

When I'm not working with code, I'm likely on the water or in the saddle. Sailing and cycling are great passions of mine, as a lot of my side projects attest.